Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Improved Privacy-Preserving P2p Multimedia Distribution Based On Recombined Fingerprints

Anonymous fingerprint has been suggested as a convenient solution for the legal distribution of multimedia contents with copyright protection whilst preserving the privacy of buyers, whose identities are only revealed in case of illegal re-distribution. However, most of the existing anonymous fingerprinting protocols are impractical for two main reasons: 1) the use of complex time-consuming protocols and/or homomorphic encryption of the content, and 2) a unicast approach for distribution that does not scale for a large number of buyers. This paper stems from a previous proposal of recombined fingerprints which overcomes some of these drawbacks. However, the recombined fingerprint approach requires a complex graph search for traitor tracing, which needs the participation of other buyers, and honest proxies in its P2P distribution scenario. This paper focuses on removing these disadvantages resulting in an efficient, scalable, privacy-preserving and P2P-based fingerprinting system.
The aim of this paper is the recombined fingerprint approach requires a complex graph search for traitor tracing, which needs the participation of other buyers, and honest proxies in its P2P distribution scenario.
The Scope of this paper focuses on removing these disadvantages resulting in an efficient, scalable, privacy-preserving and P2P-based fingerprinting system.
Most fingerprinting systems can be classified in three categories, namely symmetric, asymmetric and anonymous schemes. In symmetric schemes, the merchant is the one who embeds the fingerprint into the content and forwards the result to the buyer; hence, the buyer cannot be formally accused of illegal redistribution, since the merchant also had access to the fingerprinted content and could be responsible for the redistribution. In asymmetric fingerprinting, the merchant does not have access to the fingerprinted copy, but he can recover the fingerprint in case of illegal re-distribution and thereby identify the offending buyer. In anonymous fingerprinting, in addition to asymmetry, the buyer preserves her anonymity (privacy) and hence she cannot be linked to the purchase of a specific content, unless she participates in an illegal re-distribution. Anonymous fingerprinting is, thus, the most convenient strategy to protect both the buyers’ privacy and the owner’s rights, since it guarantees the following properties: 1) only the buyer obtains the fingerprinted copy of the content, making it impossible for the merchant to accuse her of unlawful re-distribution, and 2) it preserves the anonymity of the buyers’ identities with respect to the merchant

  1.  The  use of complex time-consuming protocols and/or homomorphic encryption of the content,
  2. A unicast approach for distribution that does not scale for a large number of buyers.

This paper reviews the main features of the proposal suggested in  highlights its main drawbacks, and suggests several significant improvements to achieve a more efficient and practical system, especially as traitor tracing is concerned, since it avoids the situations in which illegal re-distributors cannot be traced with the proposal of  Furthermore, better security properties against potentially malicious proxies are obtained. Although the system proposed in this paper uses public-key encryption in the distribution and traitor tracing protocols, it must be taken into account that this encryption is only applied to short bit strings, such as the binary fingerprints and hashes, not to the content. The fragments of the content are encrypted using symmetric cryptography, which is much more efficient.

  1.  Efficient and scalable distribution of multimedia contents in P2P networks.
  2. Avoidance of (complex) homomorphic (or any type of public-key) encryption of the multimedia content.



·                Processor          -   Pentium –III

·                Speed                -    1.1 Ghz
·                RAM                 -    256 MB(min)
·                Hard Disk         -   20 GB
·                Floppy Drive    -    1.44 MB
·                Key Board                 -    Standard Windows Keyboard
·                Mouse               -    Two or Three Button Mouse
·                Monitor             -    SVGA


·                Operating System      : Windows  7                                     
·                Front End                  : JSP AND SERVLET
·                Database                   : MYSQL
·                Tool                           :NETBEANS

Megias, D ,“ Improved Privacy-Preserving P2p Multimedia Distribution Based On Recombined Fingerprints,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Volume 12  Issue 2 , April 2014.

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